
I am thrilled to endorse Peggy Brewster for Sunnyvale School District Trustee. Passionate about education and dedicated to fostering an inclusive learning environment, Peggy is the advocate we need for our students and their future.

Peggy is a remarkable leader who has fought hard for North Sunnyvale’s residents. She will be responsive to our community’s needs and will stand up for the most vulnerable.

Peggy has been a dedicated volunteer for the schools, children, and the Sunnyvale Education Foundation during the time I have known her. She has consistently demonstrated her commitment to education and the district’s children. Peggy is a hard-working mother who is dedicated to serving the community. She is an intelligent educated person, and I am confident that she will quickly learn the requirements of the trustee position as she starts in this new phase, and meet the challenges ahead.

Peggy is a truly amazing person. She is dedicated and determined to improve education for every student and to uplift our entire community. SSD will benefit greatly from her voice at the table.

Peggy has demonstrated a unique ability to bring community together to advocate for change to address long-standing inequities in North Sunnyvale. Her passion for education and social justice will support Sunnyvale School District in making policy to better support historically underserved communities such as Spanish-speaking immigrant families and families of students with special needs. Peggy has the passion, mind, and personality to serve the Sunnyvale community with heart and integrity and I strongly endorse her.

I wholeheartedly endorse Peggy Shen Brewster for Sunnyvale School Board. She has been a passionate advocate for Sunnyvale schools, and works so hard to make the educational experience better for all students. Her experience, knowledge and deep understanding of the issues facing the various school communities makes her an excellent choice for Sunnyvale school board, and her enthusiasm for student enrichment would be a great asset to the board and the students and parents of the Sunnyvale School District.

Peggy is a compassionate, perceptive, and tenacious leader who is deeply committed to our community. She excels at linking passionate people together and is skilled at connecting community concerns with opportunities to address them. Her leadership has already resulted in meaningful, tangible change for Sunnyvale families, like increased transportation options for FUHSD students and representation for North Sunnyvale for the FUHSD Board of Education. I look forward to her presence as a progressive leader on the Sunnyvale School Board.

Peggy is a rare and wonderful combination of organized and fierce, and it shows in everything she does. I have had the honor and pleasure of serving with her on the Sunnyvale Education Foundation for four years, where she brought her talent for creating new and streamlining old systems into her role as Grants Administrator. More recently, it’s been a privilege to participate with her, the community, and the newly formed Sunnyvale for Equity in Education as we advocated for transportation options for North Sunnyvale students and new trustee areas of FUHSD. I am more than happy to endorse her for the Sunnyvale School Board.

Peggy Shen Brewster has done much in the community, but in terms of direct impact on the city issues, what stands out for me as a city councilmember and former longtime school volunteer is her research, outreach, and thoughtful statements in support of more environmentally sustainable and improved transportation options for students and the wider Sunnyvale community.

I enthusiastically endorse Peggy for Sunnyvale School District trustee, Trustee Area 4. She, almost single-handedly, gave voice to North Sunnyvale which has been systematically neglected for decades. She has continued to make major contributions in all aspects of our community – elementary, middle and high schools as well as our overall City governance.

I am very excited to endorse Peggy for Trustee Area 4 of Sunnyvale School District (SSD). As a community advocate and leader, Peggy works hard to bring equitable education to all students at SSD. She understands the challenges faced by students and families in North Sunnyvale, and she has extensive experience in brainstorming and implementing solutions to these challenges. She knows when and how to push for change successfully. Her advocacy and leadership makes our community stronger, and I look forward to seeing Peggy on the SSD board.

It is my pleasure to endorse Peggy Shen Brewster as a candidate for the Sunnyvale School District Board of Trustees. Peggy’s commitment to public education, children, equity, and community shine through in all she does. She is a hard worker who has consistently shown strong organizational skills and a can-do attitude during her time with the Sunnyvale Education Foundation. Our community is lucky to have Peggy as a champion.

Peggy would bring a compelling combination of skills and values to the Sunnyvale School District’s Board. She has an eye for the impact of policy detail, especially on underserved and vulnerable communities. She has a “big picture” sense of how things fit together, who to engage with and where progress is realistic and possible. Finally, she has the passion and heart to engage on issue after issue for the community, pushing for what is best for students and the district community. I think she would be an outstanding Board Member and I wholeheartedly endorse her.

In our society outcomes for people, from life expectancy to mental and physical health, to academic achievement, to being injured or killed in a car crash, to being elected to office is impacted by race and ethnicity, with generally more negative outcomes for Black and brown folks. This is true in Sunnyvale School District. I want my elected representatives to understand this, ask how systems perpetrate inequities, and work with the affected communities to develop new systems that are racially and ethnically equitable. I believe Peggy will do this. I’m impressed every day at her passion and energy in advocating for better systems and more support for students, and particularly underserved students. She is diligent in finding solutions to intractable problems. I am proud to support Peggy for Sunnyvale School District Board.

I enthusiastically endorse Peggy Shen Brewster for Trustee of the Sunnyvale School District. Peggy brings a strong perspective as a parent, a former school teacher, and a community leader. I have seen Peggy be a tireless advocate for all of Sunnyvale’s students, driving for an equitable and high-quality education for all of our kids. In her role as community leader, she has developed a deep understanding and empathy for our families, which will inform her decisions as Trustee. I’m positive Peggy will bring energy and enthusiasm for education to make all schools in the Sunnyvale School District the best they can be for all of our children.

Without reservation, I endorse Peggy for the Sunnyvale School Board. Many people talk a good game when it comes to caring about their community, but Peggy doesn’t talk, she does. Peggy is unique because she shares her concerns and acts on her concerns. In addition, Peggy has never failed to connect me to people I can work with on issues important to me. Peggy listens attentively, collaborates with others and gets things done. What else would you want in a person running for the Sunnyvale School Board?

I fully support Peggy, who is such a proactive advocate for all students, especially under-resourced students. She is devoted to bringing the voices of under-resourced students to the school community. She continuously helps schools explore ways to be more inclusive while better serving the well-being of every student. I am so grateful for her exceptional effort and continuous commitment. I believe her leadership and passion for all students will greatly benefit the Sunnyvale School District.

I have been inspired by Peggy’s unwavering commitment to equitable education in Sunnyvale. With her background as a teacher and a parent of school-age children, Peggy brings a unique perspective that resonates deeply with both educators and families.

Her proactive leadership, evidenced by creating the Sunnyvale Equity in Education group and her instrumental role in advocating for fair voting representation and improved transportation options at Fremont Union High School district, shows her dedication to fostering positive and long lasting change within the community.

Peggy’s tireless efforts as a board member of the Sunnyvale Education Foundation, her pivotal role in starting the Bishop Elementary school PTA and driving initiatives like the $214 Million dollar Measure C for school facilities highlight her ability to deliver results. Peggy’s accessibility and willingness to support parents, students and teachers further underscore why she is the right person at the right time to represent Trustee Area 4 on the Sunnyvale School District Board and I strongly endorse her.

I endorse Peggy as the best candidate for the Sunnyvale School District Board. She has the integrity, values and strength to provide excellent representation for our area. I first met Peggy through her efforts as the founder of the Sunnyvale for Equity in Education where she has led many initiatives to right inequities within North Sunnyvale. This included a campaign to make it easier for North Sunnyvale students to reach high school on the south side of the city, raising awareness about the impact on students: less sleep, more anxiety about getting to school on time and less likely to participate. in afterschool activities or sports. Peggy is also the president of her son’s school PTA, and represents that same school on the Board of the Sunnyvale Equity Foundation and she is very involved in her neighborhood associations. Peggy will always be there to listen, lead and take action. Vote for Peggy.

I feel honored to endorse Peggy Brewster as a trustee for three reasons. 1) I am a teacher and she spent 100+ hours as a volunteer in my class. While a parent of a child in my class, Peggy showed 100% dedication to every child in the room and when working with our classroom community did not show favoritism to her own child. This to me demonstrated her profound commitment to public education and and the success and well-being of every child and the entire community. 2) Peggy is a former teacher, having worked with students as young as second graders as well students as eighth graders studying ELA. She knows what it takes to be a caring, dedicated, and effective teacher in terms of energy, effort, and attitude. She knows the classroom. 3) I have seen Peggy learn from her efforts to help make great schools even better. She is reflective and thoughtful as much as she is committed to the whole child and the entire community. She has evolving high expectations.

Being a teacher who works in SESD’s Trustee Area 4, I see the complex challenges facing this important Community in Sunnyvale. To be an effective leader and a direct voice on the SESD School Board representing this portion of our Community, it requires clear understanding of the specific challenges facing this Community.

Peggy Shen Brewster has spent years putting in the time and the effort to get to know the great achievements of this Community as well as the daunting challenges they face that must be addressed. From volunteering well over 100 hours inside multiple SESD TA4 Schools, to connecting directly with community leaders about the most pressing challenges we face, to building a PTSA from the ground up at Bishop Elementary, Peggy is actively doing the Work that is needed in SESD’s TA4 as a parent and passionate community member.

I have the upmost confidence that Peggy is a perfect fit to take her years of experience working with and for this incredible TA4 Community into the role of Trustee Area 4 Representative on SESD’s School Board. Peggy’s understanding of as well as her empathy and passion for the TA4 Community will allow her to help guide the entire SESD Board of Education on our District’s path towards equity and educational justice for ALL students in SESD and beyond.

I am proud to endorse Peggy Shen Brewster for Sunnyvale School District Board of Trustees. I’ve worked with Peggy on the Sunnyvale Education Foundation (SEF) where her commitment to the mission and vision of the organization kept her focused on our work and improved our effectiveness to get things done as SEF’s first designated Grant Administrator. When Peggy started Sunnyvale for Equity in Education (SEE) I saw her acting on thoughts and ideas others had, but no one had done anything about. With her direction and enthusiasm SEE has been wildly successful bringing tangible change to Fremont High School Students in North Sunnyvale. Peggy has shined a spotlight on the inequities in North Sunnyvale and then followed through bringing community together to work towards change. Peggy has been a champion for many causes around inequity in North Sunnyvale, but even better than taking the lead, she has worked to empower those around her to join her working towards breaking down barriers and lifting up the community for the benefit of all. Peggy Shen Brewster is the best type of leader, she won’t just take the reins, but will invite others to join her. I am excited to see her bring that energy, enthusiasm, and determination to the Sunnyvale School District Board of Trustees.

As a middle school teacher here in Sunnyvale, I have seen the dedication that Peggy Shen Brewster offers the students in the Sunnyvale School District. Peggy has been a volunteer in my classroom, where she brings a wealth of professional and personal knowledge, and is eager to learn more about students’ needs and their perspectives. She demonstrates an authentic and genuine interest in their stories, while respecting and upholding the dignity of each one of them and their families. When she engages with the students, her approach is based on best practices in the field of education because she is a credentialed teacher herself. So, her voice and expertise organically mesh to make everyone in the classroom feel seen, heard, and valued.

Since she holds a credential in teaching English and a Multiple Subject Credential, Peggy can easily interpret what the daily demands of teachers entail. She keeps her finger on the pulse of district policies, as well as how state or local mandates can be implemented in the classroom. Her asset-based lens of students and teachers is at the center of how she builds relationships with students, teachers, and the community at large. As such, her views are solidly backed by the latest research in teaching and reaching students in a way that is engaging and sustainable.

In terms of her interactions with the families in the community, Peggy has been essential in bringing together groups of people who have similar concerns or areas of interest for their children. Her impressive skills at connecting people to the appropriate resources and information have brought many people in the North Sunnyvale together to discuss and share what is on their minds regarding the education of their students. This is not an easy endeavor, yet she has gone above the mere logistics by ensuring that all voices are heard, and offering support and information in a format that is both caring and inclusive.

It is an honor for me to support Peggy Brewster in all her pursuits.

Voting Peggy Shen Brewster for Sunnyvale School District (SSD) trustee, Trustee Area 4 is an easy choice.

My name is Valérie Suarès, Chair of the SNAIL neighborhood association, where Peggy has lived for over 12 years.  Ms Shen Brewster is the right choice Trustee Area 4.

She is a reliable and trustworthy member of the community. I have admired her passion, perseverance and dedication to the cause of advocating for equitable opportunities and access to schools for all students. Serving on the Sunnyvale School District board, she will bring a fresh perspective and make a positive impact on our community’s education system.

Peggy is inquisitive, listens to the views of others, and proposes collaborative and innovative approaches to challenges faced by our public schools. She familiarizes herself with the current state of the school district and understands the successes of the programs across the district, outcome disparities amongst different student populations, perceptions of inclusion and belonging at different school sites, budgetary and teachers’ concerns, and opportunity gaps between school sites due to uneven resources.

As a board member of the Sunnyvale Education Foundation she possesses an in-depth understanding of the issues facing the schools and has a clear, equity-driven vision for improvement.

Because Peggy engages with the SSD school community by participating in events all across the district, regularly volunteering in Bishop and Columbia Middle School classrooms, and attending school board meetings, she has her finger on the pulse of  parents, teachers, students, and other stakeholders’ concerns and priorities alike. She demonstrated her dedication at Bishop Elementary by spearheading the transition from PTO to PTA.

Her platform proposes collaborative approaches in partnership with the district and greater community to improve academic outcomes, especially for underserved populations, increase transparency and accountability, promote diversity and inclusion, enhance enrichment activities, and address the issues of North Sunnyvale students in particular.

Proof of her commitment to better her community: concerned with the constant speeding cars blowing through a four way stop intersection a few hundred yards from a middle school, Ms Peggy Shen Brewster stepped up to document traffic infractions, collecting community input with the intent of presenting her findings to the City Public Works and City Council members.

Dedicated to inspiring readers, expanding book access, and contributing to improved reading literacy, Peggy supported an Eagle Scout candidate with his project to build a Little Free Library and a welcoming bench in front of her home for readers of all ages.

Mother of two young children, former educator in public schools, board member of Sunnyvale Education foundation, and founder of Sunnyvale for Equity in Education, Peggy is a well-accepted force of nature in the north of Sunnyvale. She is a forward-thinker deeply devoted to education.

This is why I am proudly endorsing Ms Peggy Shen Brewster. There is no stronger candidate than Peggy Shen Brewster for Sunnyvale School District trustee, Trustee Area 4.

Peggy Brewster is a dedicated advocate for educators and our school community. As a candidate for the school board, Peggy represents the students and families of north Sunnyvale, whose voices have often been left out. She knows how important the role of education is in empowering students, and supports evidence-based literacy approaches that benefit everyone. Peggy advocates for providing teachers with the necessary tools and support that is essential for implementing these practices, so that we can close the enormous achievement gaps that exist in student reading outcomes. Every moment that these gaps persist is a moment that our community falls short of actualizing our vision and ideals—a community where all children learn to read, regardless of their race or socioeconomic status. Peggy knows this, and her commitment to improving teaching and learning practices aims to close the achievement gap and ensure all students have access to quality education.

Peggy understands the challenges teachers face and advocates for systemic changes in education to enable them to perform their duties in a balanced and sustainable manner. She supports meeting educators where they are and providing the support needed for effective teaching. Peggy’s dedication to equitable education and her understanding of the struggles faced by students, teachers, and families make her an outstanding candidate for the school board. Her commitment to representing our community and creating a brighter future for all students is clear.